The Wheatley School
Class Of 1963
60th Reunion
First Report of the 60th. Attendees: Send more comments and photos to enrich the presentation.
Dinner Attendees on Saturday Night
Standing, L to R: John Shaffer, Donna Kenton, Dory Fliegel Mark Bond, Allan Cohen, Keith Aufhauser, Jimmy Friedland, Jeffrey Ross, Leslie Shiller Fisher, Marianne Lamitola Downey, Lenny Kram
Seated, L to R: Carol Abby, Maida Holzman, Allyn Mills, Ellen Litwin, Elizabeth Stone, Susan Gross, Susan Miller, Marcia Friedman, Nancy Cohen Kram, Linda Erdman, Rick Weitz
Jimmy Friedland
Lenny Kram, Elizabeth Stone Matho, Allyn Mills Kandel, Nancy Cohen Kram, David Straus, Marcia Friedman Mayer
Gianna St. Fiacre and Donna Kenton
Mark Bond and John Shaffer
Dory Fliegel
Mel & Carol Abby Benjamin, Maida Holzman, Susan Gross
L to R: Keith Aufhauser, Dory Fliegel, John Shaffer, Jimmy Friedland, Gianna St. Fiacre, Mark Bond, Donna Kenton
L to R: Rick & Geri Weitz, Barton and Ellen Litwin Fingerman, Linda and Allan Cohen
Jeff Ross, Carol Abby Benjamin, Mel Benjamin, Leslie Shiller Fisher, Michael Fisher
Allyn Mills Kandel and Elizabeth Ston Matho
Brunch at Marcia's on Sunday Morning.
Row 1, L-R: Elizabeth Stone Matho, Marcia Friedman Mayer.
Row 2, L-R: Susan Miller Astor, Linda Erdman Ingalls, Lindra Erdman Brody, Louise Sobin, Fretta Fields Reitzes, Leslie Schiller Fisher, Linda Cohen Kram
Row 3 L-R: Donna Kenton, Jimmy Friedland, John Shaffer, Keith Aufhauser, Allyn Mills Kandel, Allan Cohen, Marianne Lamitola Downey, Leonard Kram, Art Engoron ('67), Mark Bond
Send more photos to or by text to +1-212-246-9420.
The Friday night gathering was artfully cartered mostly by the efforts of Marianne and Leslie with Linda Erdman as chef's assisant.. As your wemaster made his way from the parking lot, he passed many other celebrations. The Long Island Marriott was hosting Indian weddings and fashion shows and the strolling guests decorated the halls with colorful saris, sparkling golden necklaces and bracelets.
The Saturday dinner had about 6-7 persons per round table in a private area. The salmon was very good. There was no left over cheescake; every bit was quickly swept from each desert plate. Dory Fliegel, Leslie Schiller Fisher, and Jimmy Friedland make brief remarks: Dory about how special Wheatly was and how those experiences still live in us; Leslie about how she's been assisted by Marianne Lamitola Downey, Mery Lee Cerillo, Maida Holzman, Donna Kenton and Linda Erdman. Jimmy about how Union Free School District #2 was unique and local in that Wheatley drew students only from North Side and I.U. Willets. Our district was not a "centralized disctrict" drawing students from a larger geographical area.
Sunday's brunch at Marcia's rivaled the table that Menelaus had set for Telemachus: Smoked salmon, breads and bagels, Quiche, fruit salad, pastries, cakes and apple cider. The Zoom call allowed those gathered to share some looks and words with the teleporting Gary Sugarman, Suzie Schwartz, Roy Nierenberg, Stephen Shikes, and Fran Levy.
The above is a quick summary. Attendees comments and more photos are solicited.